B erikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan Idiom bahasa Inggris (English Idiom) yang dimulai dari huruf A 1. Above board Melakukan sesuatu ...
Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan Idiom bahasa Inggris
(English Idiom) yang dimulai dari huruf A
1. Above board
Melakukan sesuatu dengan cara jujur dan baik dengan hasil
yang legal dan wajar.
Example : I’m sure the deal was completely above board as
I know Mulya well and hed never do anything bad such illegal or corrupt
2. Above the Pack
Di atas rata-rata, di atas orang-orang kebanyakan
Example : After having risen above the pack he is now
dreaming of wielding absolute power
3. Accident of geography
Suatu bagian alami di bumi dan kehidupannya
Example : The
concept of country is an accident of geography
4. Achilles’ heel
Kelemahan seseorang
Example : Amir is akind person, but his Achille’s heelis
that he’s almost too generous!
5. Acid test
Menunjukkan hal yang sebenarnya
Example : Our never player has been doing well at
training and in practice matches, but the acid test will come in her real
6. Across the board
Secara keseluruhan, semuanya
Example : The company has promised to increase salaries across the board, so
everyone will get a pay rise.
Kejadian yang berasal dari Tuhan (Misalnya : Bencana
alam, kematian)
Example : My
mother said that if disaster that kill lots of people are acts of God, why does
He do it. I didn’t know what to say.
Terjadi sepanjang hari
Example : I have to finish this report by Wednesday, so I’ll be working around the clock until I get it done.
Secepat mungkin
He said he’ll be
here as soon as possible, so there’s no point calling his again, He’s coming as
quickly as she can.
Bingung tentang sesuatu dan tidak yakin apa yang harus
Example : I’m all at sea with our new software. I just
can’t understand it.